Sunday, March 7, 2010

Come on baby play me something like here comes the sun

Today is one of those amazing, perfect days where you can't help but to smile for no particular reason.
I read a book once that claimed it's absurd for humans to feel happiness when the sun shines... that something like the weather cannot possibly be related to emotion.
I wholeheartedly disagree.
The second I walked outside this morning, I knew today would be fantastic; and I was right.
It looks like me and my favourite future and current roomies have FINALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYY found a house that is a.) not a scam, b.) doesn't have bedbugs and/or mice, and c.) is above ground AND has windows!!!
in fact, we currently have 3 houses lined up and all we need to do is pick one!
so yes,
life is good because the sun is finally shining
i'm so happy to live right now
and my best friends in the world will be in ottawa in less than two weeks!
oscar party at my place tonightttt! woo

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