Sunday, November 15, 2009

I don't want you to go, i'll eat you up i love you so

so, last weekend I finally went to go see Where the Wild Things Are. I know, I’m a few weeks late.
Truth is, 1) I haven’t had any time lately and 2) I was kind of waiting to go see it with my dad. Anyways, this film was definitely worth the wait. It usually takes me a while to realize when I should classify a movie to be among my favourites, but with this one it took me no time to admit that Where the Wild Things are is definitely one of my most favourite movies of all time.

which got me to thinking: I seem to be saying that a lot lately, that a particular movie is in my top 5 or 10 or whatever of all time. So, I made a list of my top 11 favourite movies of all time.. and why.

Fight Club
I hate action movies. They always seem to make me fall asleep, like they try too hard to keep things interesting or something. This movie was different though. It was so fucked up in so many ways but I loved it. For me, it almost mocked how much the world relies on violence to stay sane. Also, it stars Helena Bonham Carter who is just about my favourite actress these days.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I love the concept for this movie. If nothing else, the whole idea of being able to completely erase someone from your life really speaks to me, especially because I would definitely be the one to regret that decision as soon as it takes effect.

Big Fish
This isn’t what you would normally expect from a Tim Burton film, and I love it for that. Though this movie is exceptionally dark, in regular Tim Burton fashion, it's disguised by a whimsical, airy quality that makes it so intriguing. The simple metaphor of the movie, a story of a big fish, reveals a much more complex and obscure idea of life. Also, Pearl Jam wrote part of this soundtrack. And again, Helena Bonham Carter... so good.

Between me, my sister, and my dad, we can recite every single line of this movie. The insults in this movie are INCREDIBLE. seriously, i'll always love this movie.

Donnie Darko
In all honesty, it took me a few times watching movie to be confident that I really understood what it meant. The symbolism is incredible. This film doesn’t hold back.

Harriett the Spy
This movie is pretty much the basis of my life. If I could grow up to be like Harriett I would consider my life to be a success.

The Truman Show
The line, “Cue the Sun” is probably one of the greatest movie quotes of all time as far as I’m concerned. This movie speaks volumes about life and the way we live, even though it seems to have no relevance to the real world.

Edward Scissorhands
Pretty much Tim Burton at his finest. He's a genius, this movie is classic.

The Lion King
Well, at least one Disney movie needs to make this list. I was pretty much raised on Disney movies and this one was definitely my favourite. It’s just beautiful.

Cruel Intentions
Really though, I’m a teenage girl. These teen flicks are sort of my genre. I love this movie because it’s not like the others. This was one of the first of the teen romantic comedies that later seemed to only star actors like Freddy Prinze Jr. This movie is edgy and provocative... I love it!

Where the Wild Things Are
This film was so much more than a simple adaptation of a classic children’s storybook. It was a look at life through the eyes of a child. I honestly had a different outlook on the world after I saw this movie. And it has the best soundtrack, ever.


  1. ive seen most of these films,
    and i agree, they are amazing in many diff ways
    ...they would make an amazing all-night movie date! something to look forward to during the xmas break!


  2. pretty sure you're my movie soul-mate <3
