Sunday, December 6, 2009

When reactions turn into hurricanes

this week i realized that i actually miss writing so much.
lately i've been so busy working or studying or worrying about failing at life and dropping out of school that i haven't had a chance to actually think. it's like, most of the things i do are out of habit. though i'm conciously committing action, i'm not really chosing what i'm doing. so many things i do or say only come about because i've always done or said them. after a while, it has become second nature... and here i am, a semi-conscious robot, slave to my own life.
so, i have a resolution.
i want to decide. i want to realize life. and i realllllly want to write about it.
beginning, yesterday.

also, i will pass my exams (including linguistics!) if its the last thing i do.


i found that siamese piece of tangerine to be rather interesting.

1 comment:

  1. aww, write away stephie!
    you know i'll read it all :):)
