What's up with me lately?
I'm already almost halfway through my third year at the University of Ottawa, and my life has changed dramatically in the last year and a half. My program is now English (co-op), with a minor in French, and I have honestly never been happier or more satisfied with my current life and life choices.
This past summer, I successfully completed my first co-op work-term as a Junior Program Policy Officer at the Canada Revenue Agency, in the Scientific Research and Experimental Development Directorate. Anyone who knows me know how much I loved it!! It was such an incredible opportunity to work with an awesome team in such a great environment. I'm pretty sure they liked me too, being that I was nominated by my manager here as Co-op Student of the Year! Honestly, I was very sad to leave...but now I'm on to bigger and better things.
As for which bigger and better things, that remains undecided as of yet. My second co-op work-term begins in January and I am currently nearing the end of the first round hiring process. Interviews for this round came to an end yesterday (all 12 of them!!!!), and I'll be playing the waiting game until Tuesday at 12:00 pm. Let's just say, though, that I have good reason to be fairly confident about the student rankings to be released on Tuesday.
More to come! xoxo